Apache is the Linux Web browsing software. We can help you get you need to use Apache saved pages , and to provide the domain name of your initial five initial server configuration, in addition to if you want to add as many domains, we can provide you with set guidelines, you can be in your additional freely within the new server name.
Sendmail is the message server software. Through Sendmail, you can set their own e-mail account, send messages, and can add accounts. Newsbook Limited support can help you configure Sendmail, adapt to your e-mail needs.
Bind the server's DNS software. Your initial five domain names for free using DNS, domain then each subsequent month HK $ 20. If needed, we can free for you to set up your server, run its domain name server . The benefits of its own DNS can at any time add unlimited domain names on your server, the need to store it is suitable for multiple domain users. If you need more information about the server is configured as a DNS server information, please go to " Newsbook Limited "query.